So, we've already covered the new bike. Here is the story of the new floor - and our new hope is that slowly, this new house is turning into a new home!
Many of you know that we haven't done a thing since we moved into this house in July 06. We had to sell our "Ohio House" first - which didn't occur until July 07. Once we did that - we began on the long list of things to do.
First of all, we needed to paint many walls. We freshened two bathrooms along with the cabinets, and recently finished painting the main living area and dining area upstairs. We still need to paint the entry and kitchen - then upstairs will be done with paint. We also intend to transform the boys' room into Buckeye Heaven.
The next step in our journey was to rip out some of the lovely pink carpet that we are all so attached to and install a hardwood floor in the dining area. I'm sure you understand that it made perfect sense to have carpet under a dining room table where five children and their friends eat regularly. However, we decided to go against the grain on that. So - here are pictures of our new floor (as of one hour ago!!). Riley and Nicholas enjoyed their first picinic on the new floor while our sweet dog, Sam, looked on. Isn't she good? We told her she couldn't walk on the new floor (something about dog toes scratching hardwood??). So far she's doing great! You can also see a bit of the color on the walls....
Anyway - next week we'll update again with our new carpet as we tearfully say good-bye to the rest of the pink pink pink carpet!!